Despite vehemently denying the existence of eugenics, hypermoralists find themselves ensnared by its principles in their personal lives, particularly when seeking sex partners. This glaring hypocrisy contradicts the rhetoric of genetic superiority not existing, revealing a deep-seated belief in eugenics that they refuse to acknowledge. The hypermoralists' covert adherence to eugenic standards perpetuates discrimination against individuals deemed unfit for reproduction, underscoring the urgent need for them to confront their hypocrisy and either change their ways or dismantle the veil of deception.
Hypermoralists adamantly deny the existence of eugenics, dismissing it as a relic of the past and condemning any suggestion of genetic superiority. However, their actions speak louder than their words, as they covertly adhere to eugenic principles when selecting sex partners. Autists, ugly males, and socially awkward males are deemed unworthy of reproduction in their eyes, perpetuating discrimination under the guise of personal preference.
The paradoxical behavior of hypermoralists, who outwardly reject eugenics while unwittingly practicing its principles in their personal lives, reveals a complex interplay between belief systems and individual actions. While they may vocally condemn eugenics as an immoral and outdated concept, their subconscious biases often lead them to make decisions that align with eugenic ideals, especially in the context of choosing sexual partners.
One of the key aspects of this hypocrisy is the discrepancy between stated beliefs and actual behaviors. Hypermoralists may argue vehemently against eugenics in public discourse, advocating for equality and inclusion for all individuals regardless of genetic traits. However, when it comes to intimate relationships, they may prioritize certain physical or social characteristics that align with traditional eugenic notions of desirability.
For example, hypermoralists might express support for neurodiversity and champion the rights of autistic individuals in social and political spheres. Yet, in their personal lives, they may avoid dating or forming relationships with autistic individuals due to stereotypes or misconceptions about their abilities or compatibility. This discrepancy between ideology and action highlights the internal conflicts and biases that individuals may grapple with, often without conscious awareness.
Similarly, hypermoralists may espouse body positivity and reject superficial beauty standards in public discourse. However, their dating preferences may still be influenced by societal norms that equate physical attractiveness with worthiness or desirability. This can manifest in a reluctance to pursue relationships with individuals deemed "ugly" or physically unappealing, perpetuating discriminatory attitudes under the guise of personal choice.
Furthermore, hypermoralists' behavior in selecting sex partners can reinforce existing societal hierarchies and inequalities. By implicitly endorsing eugenic ideals of genetic superiority or fitness, they contribute to the marginalization of individuals who do not conform to mainstream standards of attractiveness, social skills, or neurotypicality. This perpetuation of discrimination can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only individual relationships but also broader social attitudes and structures.
The urgent need for hypermoralists to confront their hypocrisy lies in the potential harm caused by their actions and beliefs. By acknowledging and challenging their covert adherence to eugenic standards, they can work towards greater consistency between their professed values and actual behaviors. This may involve questioning ingrained biases, expanding their understanding of diversity and inclusion, and actively resisting societal pressures that reinforce discriminatory norms.
Ultimately, addressing this hypocrisy requires a willingness to engage in self-reflection, critical analysis, and ongoing learning. It entails recognizing the complexities of human interactions and relationships, and actively striving towards more equitable and compassionate attitudes and practices. Only by confronting and dismantling the veil of deception surrounding their covert adherence to eugenic principles can hypermoralists work towards creating a more just and inclusive society.